Friday, February 18, 2011

A walk in the woods

Just the other week when walking past a patch of land that we walk past fairly often to get to the shopping centre Claire and I took our eyes off the ground, or stopped talking, or did something different and noticed a patch of wood. It is only a few houses down from us and yet we had not seen it before. What transfixed me was that in amongst all these houses it was still so classically wood like. Straight out of the animals of farthing wood (for anyone who watched that as a child...) with flowers coming poking up out from under the winter leaves that cover the ground.  As we passed it again this week I noticed that spring (which is springing up everywhere here) had reached the wood. I brought a camera down to capture some of the first blooms. So far we have Crocus’ and Snowdrops but I believe that there are supposed to be bluebells coming up as well and everywhere around us there are daffodils, but they are being slower to bloom and are only green shoots so far. Not only are there flowers in this wood but of course it also has wildlife, namely birds. I saw some robins on my photography trip and other small finch like birds whose names I don’t know. They are too fast for me to capture on camera though!
Spring here is really wonderful because unlike Australia where for the most part our vegetation stays green, everything here is dead and bare. But every day I am noticing the green buds on branches get larger and the shoots poking through the ground get taller. Outside our house there are fruit trees and their pink buds are just beginning to show. I can’t wait for everything to be wild and colourful but in the mean time I’m happy to watch it grow J

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