Sunday, May 6, 2012

Howdy y’all!

Claire and I are excited to announce officially our plans for our upcoming trip to the U.S of A! We can’t wait to see as many of you as we can squeeze into our schedule and we apologise in advance if we miss some of you out, we are trying to cram your whole magnificent country in 4 weeks and our schedule runs pretty tight! This post is to let you know where we intend to be so you can tell us if we are near you and can catch up for dinner or fun antics!

We are driving from San Jose to New York (in a convertible (!!!))  from the 30th of June to the 14th of July. Short we know but we are awesome and can do it. J

Here are the plans that we know of so far.

We will be landing in San Francisco on the 27th June in the morning (11am?) and Maria has kindly offered us accommodation with her for a few days so we will be heading straight down to San Jose. Here we want to see the sights and see whoever is in town, Claire and I are not even sure who is local to SJ so let us know and figure out if you have time to catch us! We will be leaving on the 30th, hiring a car, learning to drive on the wrong side of the road (eep!) and heading off into the rising sun and desert.

From there our only plans are to get to Tulsa by the 3rd of July, no planned stops, we will just see how we go each day. On the 3rd we are stopping with John’s family who are taking us to their cabin in Arkansas the next day for 4th of July celebrations. We are yet to receive confirmation but we believe Mitch (and maybe Tom) will be joining us there. On returning from the cabin we will be spending a few days with John in Tulsa and a few with Mitch in Perry before continuing our driving on the 10th July.

From there we have 2 days to reach Tennessee to meet Laura (our friend from Australia) to stay with her on the 11th and 12th.

Two more days driving and we hope to reach New York in the afternoon of the 14th. Here we will be franticly splitting our time between Anni, Jason, Matt and my friend Kathleen until we have to fly out late on the 20th. No definite plans here but we would like to spend a night at each of your houses, meet your family, see your surroundings if that’s not to pushy of us! Let us know what’s good for you. And of course we need people to show us around during the day but there are plenty of you to split duties between :P so I hope we won’t be a burden.

Like I said, all of you lovely people who we haven’t mentioned explicitly, just let us know when we are close to you and we will see what we can organise, we are so upset we can’t make it for Vegas but the dates we were allowed off work and the itinerary we wanted just didn’t allow it!

Love to you all and see you soon,

Gemma and Claire.
See our planned route here!